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Fire Safety Training


Specialised Courses


Fire Safe's Fire Training courses can be tailor made to your companies requirements and our trainers provide specialised training for the following workplaces;

●Residential Care Homes

●Hotels and Guest Houses

●Factories and warehouses.

●Offices and shops

All courses can be carried out on-site at your premises.


Basic Fire Awareness (2 hour duration)

Basic Fire Awareness course recommended for all staff to cover the following points;

●Fire risks in the premises.

●Fire safety measures in the building

●Action in the event of fire

●Action on hearing the fire alarm signal

●Method of operation of call points

●Location and use of fire extinguishers

●Means for summoning the Fire and Rescue Service

●Identity of persons nominated to assist with evacuation

●Identity of persons nominated to use fire extinguishing appliances


Fire Marshall / Warden Training

A comprehensive course for up to 16 people designed to give key staff the skills and knowledge they need to be authorised Fire Wardens covering the following points;

●Brackground and Objectives, why we carry out training, legal responsibilities, how fires start.

●Building Protection ,Emergency lighting, alarms, fire detection lifts, fire doors, and more.

●Human Behaviour in Fire, a review of people behaviour in emergencies quoting the latest research findings.

●Role of the Fire Warden, general fire prevention and best practice, fire hazard reporting, actions on discovering a fire, raising the alarm, evacuation procedures.

●Fire Extinguishers, types and method of operation

●Practical Demonstration, Using extinguishers

●Summary, review & questionnaire. 


Did you know?


●   Last year the Fire Brigade were called to over 450,000 fires, in which more than 15,000 people were killed or         injured

●   50% of the companies that are hit by fire never trade again.

●   64% of all industrial and business loss is caused by human error, delay or failed action. 

●   Fire training for staff is a legal requirement. 



The Fire & Rescue Services (NI) Order 2006 and The Fire Safety Regulations (NI) 2010
The Fire & Rescue Services (NI) Order 2006 and The Fire Safety Regulations (NI) 2010 states that ...

An employer shall ensure that his employees are provided with adequate fire safety training. The training provided shall include sufficient instruction and training on appropriate precautions and actions to be taken by the employee in order to safegaurd himself and other relevant persons on the premises. Training should be repeated periodically, and be provided in a manner appropriate to risk identified by the Fire Risk Assessment. 


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